Our Red Beet Program.
Un-beet-able varieties.
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A consumer favorite.

Easy to prep and super sweet.

At Pop Vriend, we offer multiple varieties of beets that combine high brix levels, attractive colors, and a long shelf life. Consumers love our red beets for their sweet flavor, even after a longer period of storage. Thanks to the high brix level, we can keep the flavor optimal for an extended time. This makes our red beet varieties very suitable for vacuum packaging.

breeding hybrid red beet varieties

Accelerating resistance.

Making a difference with KWS technology.

The market for red beet is growing rapidly, not in the least because of how healthy and nutritious this colorful crop is. About a decade ago, we started breeding red beet. Since we’ve been a part of KWS, we’ve significantly accelerated the evolution of our beet portfolio. Today, our focus is on incorporating KWS sugar beet technology in our red beet program, so that we can offer the best varieties on the market. Our ambition: to become a world-class player in red beet.

Marnix de Kroon, breeder at Pop Vriend Seeds: “We’re currently working on Rhizomania resistance, applying innovative techniques that we have developed with the sugar beet researchers of our parent company KWS.”

A passion
for breeding.
Read our story.
Read more about
how we seed the future
for generations with KWS.
the Red Beet